The workplace isn't always an easy environment to exist in, especially when you're subjected to harassment. Unfortunately, harassment can be difficult to prove. Harassment can come in many forms, including bullying, name-calling, or discrimination based on gender or nationality. On-the-job harassment can leave you feeling sick to your stomach, or worse. If you're the victim of workplace harassment, you need to speak to an attorney as soon as possible. Help is available. In addition to seeking legal representation, here are four steps you should take.

Keep a Journal

If you're going to have any chance of proving your harassment case, you need to document the harassment you're being subjected to. That's where a journal comes in. As soon as the harassment begins, you need to start taking notes about every incidence. Document the time, place, date, and people involved in the harassment. If the harassment involved more than one person, use your journal to identify each person. This will allow your attorney to have a clear picture of the details. If will also ensure that you don't forget about key information.

Report the Incident

It can be frightening to report incidences of harassment, especially if you're concerned about keeping your job. Unfortunately, workplace harassers often rely on your fear to continue the treatment. They use your fear to increase their intimidation of you. Don't give them control. You need to report the harassment as soon as possible. If it's a supervisor who is harassing you, report the incident to their supervisor. Continue up the chain-of-command until you find someone who will take your complaint seriously.

Gather Witness Information

Workplace harassment can be difficult to prove without witnesses. Coworkers may be hesitant to support you, especially if there's a history of workplace harassment and discrimination at your place-of-work. Don't give up. Give your attorney a list of witnesses, and let them make contact. Your attorney may be able to get them to speak once they know that they can obtain legal protection, as well.

Remain Calm

If you're being harassed, you may want to lash out at the person who's doing the harassing. That's the worst thing you can do. If you become hostile, you run the risk of having yourself painted as the aggressor, or the harasser. Remain calm. Talk to your attorney about the escalating harassment. It might be time to seek legal action.

If you're being harassed at work, you need to take action. You don't have to work in a hostile environment. Talk to your attorney, and then follow the steps described here. 
