When you need to hire new talent for your law firm, you may not have the time to vet applicants and decide what ones to hire. You may have dozens of legal cases of your own to work on and cannot devote the time to hiring new lawyers.
Instead of leaving vacancies open, you can use a service to find and vet new talent for you. You can take advantage of what a professional attorney recruiter can offer to your law firm.
Attracting Applicants
Newly graduated attorneys and lawyers who are looking for work may not even know that your law firm is hiring if you do not advertise your vacancies. They have no way of knowing that there are openings at your firm and may not know that they are free to submit applications and resumes for these vacancies.
However, when you use an attorney recruiter service, you can make it known that your law firm has openings and is looking to take on new talent. The recruiter can put out the word to attorneys who are looking for work and encourage them to apply for jobs with your law firm.
Vetting New Talent
The attorney recruiter service can also vet new applicants and make sure that they are well-matched to the openings that your law firm has. You do not want to waste time considering applicants that may not have the skills or training for which you are searching. You only want to interview those that can handle the types of cases that your law firm accepts.
The attorney recruiter can match applicants to the vacancies that your law firm has open. It can gauge applicants' experience and training and decide if they are what you are looking for in new attorneys.
Ensuring Revenue
Finally, an attorney recruiter can ensure that your law firm remains staffed sufficiently and can take on cases to generate enough revenue for you and any partners that you have. You cannot risk not being able to take cases and make money. You need enough attorneys on hand to welcome new clients and take on cases that will pay you for your services and generate revenue for your firm.
An attorney recruiter can offer valuable services to your law firm. It can advertise the fact that your law firm is hiring and has openings for new attorneys. It can also vet new talent and make sure they are matched for your vacancies. It likewise can ensure that your law firm remains staffed and capable of generating revenue.