Construction companies often work with many different people and businesses through the planning and completion of a project. Having a construction lawyer available is essential to help you deal with many various legal matters that can arise during any construction project.
Contracts and Agreements
Contracts are common in the construction industry, especially for large projects. Sometimes a builder will be involved in multiple contracts simultaneously, and it is crucial that the contracts are legal and transparent. The construction lawyer will go over these contracts for you and make sure that everything is as it should be in the wording of the contract.
If you are involved in contracts with suppliers, vendors, subcontractors, and the client, each one may contain different terms and information that apply to that relationship. Your construction lawyer will know what needs to be in each and how to generate the contract so it protects you during the course of the business you are doing with each entity.
If there is a problem with a contract, your construction lawyer may advise you to wait to start work so they can get the details of the contract corrected for you. Often the lawyers for your business and the clients you're working with can hash out the contract details without you or the client being involved.
Court Appearances, Law Suits, and Damages
Your construction attorney can help you deal with all kinds of legal proceedings that may affect you or your company. If there is a lawsuit filed concerning a job you are working on, you need to have representation that can respond to the claim and deal with any legal communications between your company and the party that filed the suit.
Your attorney can also assist you with claims you are filing for breach of contract or against a business that did not live up to the agreement you had with them. If the breach resulted in a loss of income or somehow hurt your business, your construction attorney can outline the loss in the suit and try to recover damages from the other company.
Your construction lawyer can also make appearances in court for you and respond to claims on behalf of the company if you need them to. The attorney will often handle legal matters without you being present, so it is vital that you develop a relationship with a lawyer you trust to represent your company accurately. If you can afford to have an attorney on staff, it can be even more beneficial to your business in many ways.