Medical malpractice takes place when a healthcare professional causes injury to a patient. Though the injury may be unintentional, in many cases, it is due to the negligence or oversight of the practicing doctor. One area of healthcare that compromises a large number of medical malpractice cases is care provided during and after pregnancy. Here are a few important details you should know about medical malpractice that occurs during prenatal care.
1. Malpractice Can Occur at Any Stage of Your Pregnancy
Medical malpractice can occur during any trimester during your pregnancy. There are certain tests, examinations, and lab work that your doctor should order to ensure that you receive the proper level of medical care throughout your pregnancy. However, the care that you receive may be tailored to your age and risk factors for certain complications.
For example, if you are not of advanced maternal age, it would be unlikely that your doctor would order extensive genetic testing. Instead, your doctor would use ultrasound measurements and blood work to detect certain conditions. Opting to recommend different treatments or tests for certain patients is not indicative of medical malpractice.
2. You Must Have Suffered an Injury Due to the Medical Malpractice
For medical malpractice to have occurred, you or your baby must have suffered some type of injury due to the substandard care that you received. The fact that you or your baby could have suffered an injury due to the lack of proper care is not sufficient enough to warrant a medical malpractice case.
Some women suffer from high blood pressure during their pregnancies. If your doctor does not properly manage your high blood pressure during your pregnancy, but your baby and you are ultimately healthy, this does not qualify as medical malpractice. It may not be the level of care that you desire, but you are unlikely to receive compensation for the poor care.
3. Malpractice Can Take Place During the Treatment or Management of Complications
Some women mistakenly believe that because they experienced complications during their pregnancy, this means that medical malpractice cannot occur or will be too hard to prove. However, doctors have a responsibility to manage and treat their patients' complications to the bests of their abilities. Complications do increase the likelihood that something happens to the mother or baby, but any mishaps during prenatal care cannot solely be blamed on the complication.
Common prenatal complications include gestational diabetes, hypertension, and abnormal fetal growth. Your doctor should not overlook these complications; instead, they must be taken seriously and your care should be adjusted accordingly.
For more information, talk to companies like Shay & Associates.