If you get arrested for a crime that is not highly criminal, it is possible that you will be granted a bail bond so that you can leave jail until your hearing. Once you are arrested and granted the option to bail out of jail, you will go to court and attend a bail hearing. Here are some things you can expect to happen at a bail hearing:
What is a Bail Hearing?
A bail hearing allows you to tell the judge about your arrest and the crime you committed. The judge will be able to decide on if you should be allowed out of jail on bond. When making the decision, the judge will look at the type of crime that you committed, your criminal history, and if you have the ability to leave the area to skip out on your bail.
What Do You Do if You are Able to Bond Out of Jail?
If you are allowed out of jail on bond, you will need to arrange payment of your bail. You can pay for it on your own or have someone come to the jail and pay it for you. You can also have a bail bondsman to assist you in getting your bail lowered. The bail bond company will only make you pay a portion of your bail, saving you a lot of money. The bondsman will post your bond on condition that you show up for your court date. If you don't show, you will have to pay the entirety of your bail.
Once you are let out of jail on bond, you will need to stay put according to the judge's orders. You may be required to live at a specific address or stay within a certain county so that you are not considered a flight risk. It is possible you may have to check in with an officer of the law on occasion. Violating any of the orders of the judge can land you back in jail and your bail revoked.
Why Would Bail be Denied?
There are a variety of reasons why a judge would deny bail. Dangerous crimes or those that inflicted harm on another person or persons will likely be denied bail. Murder, rape, or robbery are all good examples of crimes that will not be granted bail. Also, if you have a really bad history of not showing up for court or a major history of competing similar criminal acts, you will most likely have to stay in jail until your trial.